Friday, February 14, 2014

So my rough draft is looking pretty rough... The book pages helped but my main focus was knowing what all to write with researching a lot about the topic and then staying on topic.. I did have writers block for a couple days then I decided to write my different thoughts and ideas in bubbles on paper then decide where I wanted to plug them in at as I was writing the rough draft. It still has a lot of work before finished so I'm hoping I can get different ideas in class tonight to help finish it and get different presentation tips too.

In my opinion some tattoos just aren't worth it unless its about a child or something of some significance. I don't have any and to me they just aren't good for the body or today's world. If it is visible with clothes on some jobs will judge you off the things you have written on your body, even if it was done ten years ago. Its hard enough to get a job but if they see a gun tattoo on your neck they might think your trying to shoot somebody up. You may not even think the same way you once did but some companies will still judge you off your tattoos. If the tattoo isn't visible with clothes on then that's ok, but whats the point of getting a tattoo if it cant be seen and expressed to other people. I think people that get there girl/boyfriend's name tattooed on them are stupid. Tattoos of simple things like little hearts without names or your child's name are cool too because your child will always be your child, that will never change. A lot of people that are dating don't stay together so after its over you have a nice big tattoo of your ex boy/girlfriend stuck on you. Another reason I don't really care for them is when your get older if you don't keep toned up tattoos stretch and don't look the same. Now if your a tattoo artist its great to have tattoos!


  1. Nick, I see you figured out how to post new threads to your old blog. I know you had it on time by the other one, but nice to have it all consolidated to the original!

    Hope you did get some nice feedback on the Peer Review (now almost two weeks ago). Ahh, "snow days." Maybe if it is a "snow day" next time, there will be real snow to keep me out of my classes and other job too. This just got my classes behind, I teach ;)

    Nick, great points about tattoos. Many jobs still will judge you. I try to remain unbiased about this because many friends of mine and current/ former students have them. However, it is (as you said) good to be AWARE that employers might not take you seriously just because of tattoos. Also, about the relationship ones, as well & stretching lol (my sister had a frog on her belly button; it turned into a LARGE toad when she had my niece).

  2. Make sure you are more specific on page numbers from the reading next time... for some critique ;) --Ms. Hanson
