Thursday, April 17, 2014

Chapter 19

Ann is with friends enjoys the evening when she hears someone running towards her. It was Nan and she was upset because George Zouche had taken her book from her and she had promised Ann she wouldn't let the book out of her sight when it was given to her. Ann tried to calm Nan down and then went to the King about the situation. The king gives Ann an ornate ring as a token to return the book back to Ann. After King Henry and Ann get cozy.

Chapter 18

Ann is very angry at the king and very jealous of the queen Katherine. The king is having Katherine as his joust. She feels like the "other" woman and not his main woman. Her sister Nan comes in to calm down Ann and to talk with her. While Nan is in there Ann gives Nan the book everyone wants to read "Obedience of a Christian Man". Nan thanks her for the book and says she will not let the book out of her site.

Chapter 17

On this warm day Ann woke to a group of senior group members on horseback leaving the castle. She gets worried that she has did something to upset the king since he has not spoken to her. Her brother George enters and tells Ann the king is having a dinner party and they will leave in an hour. Ann gets all dressed up and arrives to see the king and close friends. After the party Ann and the King leave to be to themselves where the king lets Ann know he loves her.

Chapter 16

Ann and Sir Heneage have dinner to discuss the letter Ann has received from Wosley. Ann has concerns about Wosley to forgive and support Sir Thomas in obtaining wardship of Ann. They finish their dinner with light conversation, then Ann heads to bed

Love Poem

Love is like no other drug
Some drugs kill while others heal
but love can definitely kill your will
when its great its paradise
but be certain you will have to sacrifice
not that its a bad thing, its a good thing
just make sure your good thing doesn't treat you like a bad thing
not all days will be great
but if you never give up i'm sure you'll be straight
or if not let them leave
ill close the door behind you if you please
but if you stay try to make it last
and put all the negatives in the past

Thursday, March 6, 2014

My rough draft on for an activist essay 2 went well I thought, I wanted to focus on something sports related so I would already know some of the information myself. After reading about Magic Johnson and everything he does with the Magic Johnson Foundation, Magic Johnson Enterprises, and of course his basketball career, it wasn't too hard writing about it. I felt I might have stayed on he basketball career a little too long but there wasn't as much as much information going into detail about the Magic Johnson Foundation so I tried to go in order, High school, College, Professional basketball careers then go into HIV and his foundation. Overall Im glad I picked Magic Johnson's Foundation to write about and I learned a lot while researching him and his foundation.

Friday, February 14, 2014

So my rough draft is looking pretty rough... The book pages helped but my main focus was knowing what all to write with researching a lot about the topic and then staying on topic.. I did have writers block for a couple days then I decided to write my different thoughts and ideas in bubbles on paper then decide where I wanted to plug them in at as I was writing the rough draft. It still has a lot of work before finished so I'm hoping I can get different ideas in class tonight to help finish it and get different presentation tips too.

In my opinion some tattoos just aren't worth it unless its about a child or something of some significance. I don't have any and to me they just aren't good for the body or today's world. If it is visible with clothes on some jobs will judge you off the things you have written on your body, even if it was done ten years ago. Its hard enough to get a job but if they see a gun tattoo on your neck they might think your trying to shoot somebody up. You may not even think the same way you once did but some companies will still judge you off your tattoos. If the tattoo isn't visible with clothes on then that's ok, but whats the point of getting a tattoo if it cant be seen and expressed to other people. I think people that get there girl/boyfriend's name tattooed on them are stupid. Tattoos of simple things like little hearts without names or your child's name are cool too because your child will always be your child, that will never change. A lot of people that are dating don't stay together so after its over you have a nice big tattoo of your ex boy/girlfriend stuck on you. Another reason I don't really care for them is when your get older if you don't keep toned up tattoos stretch and don't look the same. Now if your a tattoo artist its great to have tattoos!

Monday, January 20, 2014

     Communication is very important in many ways working at Home Depot. It can solve problems that our customers have so that we can give the best customer service we can. Communication and knowledge is everything we have multiple phones that ring every five minutes, customers asking us questions that we might not have a clue about but with communication we are able to direct them to the right person to help answer their questions. Communication is a safety tool we use on the job too with all the heavy machinery we use to bring items down from the overheads. We tell the customers for their safety that we will need them to step out of the aisles if we are pulling down a heavy pallet. With this communication brings safety to our customers. Not only is this key with our customers but also with our own staff, if help is needed in a certain department we call for help on our phones. This key tool has created great working relationships for me and others and helps us work better as a team at Home Depot. Communication is also key in other areas of my life like relationships and any team sports I may play in. In relationships communication is needed to stay on the same page about things and to show feelings to each other. Its keeps the relationship close weather its a friend or love relationship. In the team sports I have been involved in hands signs are thrown in form of communication that the other team does not recognize let each other know what they are doing and verbal communication are used. Usually when my team is talking and letting each other know what we are thinking and doing it usually leads to a win. If everyone knew how to talk and communicate their thoughts and feelings effectively I believe most of the conflicts of the world would no more. Many times when I say a single word it can change someones day or turn an enemy into a possible friend. I try to use the power of speaking and writing to make other peoples day better on the job, in a relationship, on the field. Writing and communicating are very important in each of our lives and should use it for good to help and shed light on others.